Swiss Philipp Zürcher Involved With BCCXposed, Website run by Psy-Group Client Ben van Wijhe, Oscar Floor, Sander de Boer, Eric Littooij

A while ago, a series of documents started appearing on the online reading portal Issuu under the name BCCXposed. The initiative claimed to be established in Limassol, Cyprus. Links to the documents were immediately posted on Facebook pages run by Oscar Floor.

I have now got information that the persons behind the initiative are Ben van Wijhe (of course), Oscar Floor (no suprise there), Sander de Boer and Eric Littooij.

Today’s leaked email shows the four discussing a document to be posted on the site, the document raising questions when local BCC-churches will get their savings back. Interestingly, this document was published in the same timeframe when, according to other leaked emails, Ben van Wijhe, Oscar Floor and Jonathan van der Linden were pushing the exact same story out to Harald Eraker from NRK Brennpunkt.

I believe I’ve mentioned it before: Sometimes, metadata can be a bitch. Surprisingly, at least to me, the Norwegian version of the document was written by the Swiss Philipp Zürcher and (of course) edited by Ben van Wijhe. I’m sure there are people who will find it very interetsing that Philipp Zürcher is involved with this shadowy group.

To those of you who have watched too much CSI, I’m posting the Word-files as well. My warning still remains though: I would not recommend opening a Word-file from a Psy-related archive on a computer where you keep confidential information.